Friday, August 29, 2008

5 Weeks Later

Didn't lose any this week, last week probably caught up with me. UGH! Oh well, i will try harder, I did work out almost everyday this week, and I ate pretty well. Its getting hard. Any words of wisdom or motivation would be great!


Unknown said...

I know how you feel! I will do great for a while and then have a bad day,er a couple. I think the trick is to just keep on cause those bad days will always come. I think you're doing great!

Rebekah Sacran said...

Here is a big tip. (I think) Don't eat after 6 pm. makes a big difference. Also, just don't eat any sugars or breads. Also, makes you loose a lot of weight. Kind of hard to accomplish that, though.

Brittany and Bonny said...

Thanks Lori and Rebekah, I already don't eat after 7pm. And i don't think i could do the whole no sugar no breads thing, just b/c i'm trying to make this a way of life instead of a diet. I'm trying to just have them every now and then..Its just hard to break habits is all

Lindsey said...

Joe did his diet. He ate eggs every day for breadkfast. Then for lunch he would eat a sandwich (different kinds) and a cheese stick then a normal portion of what i made for dinner He just stayed away from sweets. I don't know how he did it. I sure got sick of watching him eat eggs every morning. He lost almost 30 pounds

Brittany and Bonny said...

how long did it take him to lose 30 pounds?

Lindsey said...

He did it three months. Then after he lost all the weight he went back to his normal eating habits. He didn't gain all of his wieght back just about 10 pounds. He has now started to eat and exercise more. I ams ure the exercising will help him alot more too for him.