Thursday, July 24, 2008

Brittany's 1st Day

So, I started the day out great, but ended it horrible. I started the day out with a bowl of cereal. I worked out on the treadmill for 20 minutes, walking fast (I have to start out slow) and then I went on a walk outside with a friend and Cade for 45 minutes. For lunch I had a tuna fish sandwich and some chips. For dinner I did horrible! I am using the excuse of Pioneer Day, I'm in Utah so it's an actual celebrated holiday. We hung out w/ some friends and they made us dinner. I had a hot dog, hamburger (I know, I should've chose only one), pasta salad, corn on the cob, watermelon, root beer and for desert they made homemade rocky road ice cream. Tomorrow I will do much better, I promise!

Bonny's First Day

So today was a little tough, we had the missionaries over for dinner, so of course we had to make something good. We had grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes, salad and corn on the cob. For dessert we had brownie fudge sundaes yummy. I only had a little of each and I confess I had a brownie fudge sunday! I guess i just wanted to have one last dessert, and well..i don't regret it! was so good..I worked out for 40 min and now i'm about to do abs and muscle toning while Chad and I watch a movie. For my 40 min workout i did a denise austin work out dvd, b/c i didn't feel like going to the Y, i figured it would be so easy, but dang am I out of shape!! I totally was sweating and waiting for it to end, but now that is over I feel really good! It was fun b/c Hallie did it with me and it was just adorable watching her try to do the kickboxing and stretching hopefully tomorrow will be better!!! ~Bonny